Roam with Roni
The Decision

The Decision

Links to more tummy tuck experience pages on this blog:

This blog represents my personal viewpoints and experiences only. This page describes how I felt on the inside and not how I presented to the world. For your own journey, please consult reliable medical and nutritional sources.

A New Old Body

So, by this point, I had my old body back, sort of. My proportions felt natural and familiar again. After calming down from the euphoria of watching my weight steadily decrease, I set about checking myself out. Things had shifted: Advanced osteoarthritis changed the shape of my knees. Loss of fat, decreased skin elasticity, poor muscle tone, and age-related bone degeneration/loss made my overall appearance less than dewy. Hair we just dye!

A “before” photo
An “after” photo

Only one thing nagged at me to the point of ire: my sagging belly. I really resented and fixated on it each time I changed or showered. When I wore a bathing suit or crop top, I had to consciously divert my thoughts to avoid focusing on my stomach which, frankly, was exhausting to do. And while my jeans fit perfectly, loose skin spilled out of the waistband, bumming me out.

My belly button looked perpetually dejected, pouting like a sad-face emoji. The skin above it was lax and dimpled. Beneath it was a series of sagging folds that lay over what used to be my abdomen, once upon a time.

But I was resigned to live with my new shape. After all, I had reached my target weight, even surpassing it slightly. What more do I want? What more can I expect?

A New Idea

In response to my persistent grumblings, someone dear to me suggested I just have a tummy tuck. What? Me? What’s a tummy tuck, anyway? Plastic surgery? No thanks! Admittedly, it took a few reps of me whining about the topic before I considered looking up the procedure. I had heard the term before, but never felt compelled to discover what a tummy tuck actually entails.

A couple of paragraphs ago, I shared that I put great effort into things I feel passionately about. Well, learning is at the top of that list (with blog writing a close second, apparently). I was finally motivated to uncover all that I could about tummy tucks and was stunned to learn that I wasn’t alone in my symptomology. My online search for images revealed individuals of all colors, sizes, shapes, and ages whose bellies looked a lot like mine.

Next came the research, which was somewhat confusing. I found that many quality articles, but these were unaccompanied by photos. This one from the National Library of Medicine lists as primary indications for abdominoplasty (tummy tuck’s grown-up name) (i) the desire for aesthetic improvement (too general a description; nearly everyone wants to look good), (ii) significant skin and abdominal wall laxity following multiple pregnancies (nope), and (iii) excessive skin following considerable weight loss (on the grand scale, my weight loss was not all that major).

Based on this information, I wasn’t sure I fit the bill. But now I started to seriously consider the possibility of having an abdominoplasty and, therefore, needed to consult with an expert.

A Trusted Cosmetic Surgeon

Some years ago, I was referred to Hetal Fichadia, MD, FACS for the removal of a breast lump. The lump was discovered by an observant and thorough nurse practitioner during an annual wellness exam at Planned Parenthood (a shameless plug and shoutout to the dedicated professionals at PPH who risk their own personal safety on our behalf!).

Before making my appointment, I checked out Dr. Fichadia online, and was encouraged by seeing numerous positive reviews. I found it curious that her specialty is plastic surgery, since my issue was not cosmetic, but no matter. At the consultation, Dr. Fichadia did an amazing job prepping me, setting my expectations, and addressing my concerns. Her skill as a cosmetic surgeon makes Dr. Fichadia an ideal choice. The lumpectomy not only left my breast lump-free, but the residual scar is so small and well-disguised, if I didn’t point it out, you might not notice it.

Two years later, Dr. Fichadia treated me for another lump (elsewhere) and again, the surgery was a 100% success. You see where this is going? For my abdominoplasty consultation, I had to look no further than my own physician with whom I had already had two great surgical experiences!

The Consultation for Abdominoplasty

Dr. Fichadia identified my rapid weight loss as the root of my belly woes. This information was all that I needed to make my decision to proceed and have the surgery. Let me explain my rationale: Since my issue developed as the result of what was, for me, a once-in-a-lifetime event—a rapid weight loss—I was more than willing to go under the knife to correct and be done with it, once and for all.

And now the inverse argument: I would not have agreed to undergo surgery to treat what may only have been a natural symptom of aging. Since surgery cannot halt the march of time, it would have been reasonable to expect the issue to return, again leaving me in the same predicament after a few years’ time. Besides, to me it would feel odd to have one part rejuvenated while leaving the rest to continue to age.

Dr. Fichadia emphasized the importance of having a trusted helper who would get you through the first few days of recovery. For anyone undergoing this procedure, aftercare is an absolute requirement.

Next came an exam that identified me to be an ideal candidate for the full version of the tummy tuck procedure which targets the abdominal area. For a more contoured figure (i.e., to eliminate the loose skin that creeps out of my waistband), Dr. Fichadia offered to also perform liposuction on my flanks in the course of that same operation. I accepted the recommendation, understanding that including lipo means a more protracted operation with a longer recovery period.

We booked a date for surgery, and the rest is history.

Advance to the Surgery page